Para biathlon systems and combination ranges

Nowadays it is more and more popular to combine optical sport shooting system to basic biathlon range delivery.

It is possible to install high quality biathlon shooting range for winter and summer use and optical shooting system for blind shooting and also air rifle range for different LW classes to the same stadium.

Biathlon Target System Kurvinen uses Ecoaims systems in these kind of combination deliveries. Ecoaims Oy is a part of Kurvinen Companies.

Ask more about different solutions!

Our selection includes reliable para biathlon range systems for outdoor and indoor use.

The products have been developed in accordance with the rules of the international sports federation. The devices are suitable for elite sports as competition and training equipment.

The Paralympics in

  • 2002 in Salt Lake City
  • 2006 in Turin
  • 2010 in Vancouver
  • 2014 in Sochi
  • 2018 in Pyeongchang
  • 2022 in Beiging

have all used Ecoaims para biathlon system.